Jim Jones and Chrissy Lampkin Calling It Quits?

Well according to Mama Jones the two are quitting producer Mona Scott and her VH1 urban soap opera, Love & Hip Hop. Mama Jones, still gigging, dropped the bomb yesterday to Mara of the Coast 97.3 radio station. Mama Jones said she along with Jimmy and Chrissy would be working on their own shows, Jim and Chrissy's being together.

Have a listen...

I don't know how true this is, Mama Jones could be pulling a Joe Odom on us, but Emily B another star on the show tweeted yesterday that she wouldn't be returning for sure.

There will be a 3rd Season of NY but I will not be a cast member. The show was a great experience.. Thank you Mona & Stefan

But.... You won't miss me for long ;) hmmm..

So now that Fab has posed for a couple of twitpics and answered a few questions about Emily in interviews she no longer needs the show? I am guessing the second tweet was to hint a show but I know she doesn't think SHE alone can carry a show alone...will Fab or Mama Jones be on? I'm not sure what's to come but if these two ladies do in fact leave Olivia will have her first full time job in years.

Anywho, in my kind of fab news Chrissy Lampkin was spotted looking effortless fly in the streets of NYC with a pair of new friends in tow.

pic source

I look forward to seeing those Louboutins....

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