Aqua Mommy: Beyonce

Check out Bey in her onesie swimwear....does the Mutha have stretch marks?!! Is her awesome weight loss progress not as we believed it to be? You  know I could really care less but I am speculating what her naysayers will have to say about this choice of swimwear.  I love that she's not in a two piece tho...this means that a plethora of cute ass one pieces will be available this summer and I can stop going to the gym now.

Let me guess that Bey's critics will say that she is wearing the one piece to make people THINK that she had Blue Ivy forreals and this is simply a ploy? Bey will be in a two piece by next week but one piece swimsuits will  be IN this summer. Watch!

Love this pic that X17 posted...will this photo make it to her Tmblr?

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