Basketball Wives Episode 9

Since I watched the sneak peek of this episode last week I felt that the damage was done and watched the entire episode last night...can you say disgust?

A few things:

How was Evelyn so upset with Jen speaking on Nia's living situation and being judgmental when she's done that to just about every chick on the show except Shaunie and Jen? She has talked about everyone's clothing or appearance more than once including her butt buddy Tami. People can be so selective...

Nia should have changed her locks and/or Jen should work on her  natural reactions a little better. This fight should have never taken place, Nia had no business being there neither did Jen. Evelyn hit Jen the last time she saw her, we all know Jen ain't a fighter, why would she think seeing her at the racetrack would be any different? Unless she was ready to retaliate on the clutch to the head situation Jen should have stayed away. The confrontations should have been private if they were that much a necessity.

You do NOT close a store because you aren't in town that often! That is what employees are for...miss me with that shit.

Why is Royce on this show? She's never around and now she's reduced to seducing children for camera time. Royce, your boyfriend was born in the early 90s I don't want to hear about him eating your stuff.

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