JWow And Snooki Score A Spinoff!

 This explains the over abundance of seeing these two minus the other cast members here lately.

MTV Jersey Shore castmates Jenni Farley and Nicole Pollizi have been given the OK to begin filming this month for their new spinoff  show on MTV.  The show was granted a permit by Jersey City to begin filming in a firehouse like home in the city. It was reported that the city of Hoboken denied the production company's request for a permit for obvious reasons (Jersey Shore). The show is said to show more than the girls' drunk party animal side.

 “The spin-off is just me and Jenni and we just want to show more of our other side, not partying so much.” 

JWow let's us in on who and what we'll see also,  “our boyfriends, our families, our friends — and also traveling and just experiencing life. We're able to just wake up and decide we want to go to Mexico.”

So basically we'll  get to see them act like real millionaires not college kids working in a t-shirt shop...what a come up!

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