Video: Pilar Sanders' Good Morning America Interview
Last week GMA let Deion Sanders tell his side of the divorce shenanigans, where I bet he thought would stop there, while fair enough this morning was Pilar's turn...
This is hilarious to me, I bet Deion thought his side would be the only side heard on GMA...noooooo buddy. Is this a hidden message being sent to Deion via the media? Who looks dumber? Doesn't Deion look like a creep with his salt and pepper beard? I'm thoroughly entertained but my gosh those poor kids have to be hurting...
This is hilarious to me, I bet Deion thought his side would be the only side heard on GMA...noooooo buddy. Is this a hidden message being sent to Deion via the media? Who looks dumber? Doesn't Deion look like a creep with his salt and pepper beard? I'm thoroughly entertained but my gosh those poor kids have to be hurting...