New Reality Show "LA Hair" Series Premiere

Last night We TV premiered their new series LA Hair which chronicles the life and styles of salon owner and “celebrity hairstylist” Kim Kimble. Kim is said to have styled “Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Kelly Rowland and Shakira" and they "are just a handful of A-listers who keep Kim’s number on speed dial so she can whip up their custom wigs and handcrafted weaves for glamorous events.” 

Obviously these names listed by Weare just a handful” because those names alone couldn’t allow Kim to be the self proclaiming celebrity hairstylist that she claims to be every 5 seconds with that short of a roster. Maybe if she was the traveling stylist with Bey…but nahhhhhhhhh.

Helping Kim launch her first episode was serial reality show celebrity guest, Kelly Rowland.  Kim prepped and snipped away at Kelly’s wig/weave for a photo shoot while cameras caught it all for our viewing pleasure. Have a looksee at last night's full episode...or however much you can stand.


Are YOU feeling this show? This show is beyond pretentious and holds every characteristic of being scripted but the nosee in me will watch for Kim’s celeb clientele appearances.

Tune in Thursdays at 9pm on We TV.

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